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Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 40(3): 348-353, jul. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, INS-PERU | ID: biblio-1522776


Se determinó la presencia de los genotipos de virulencia de Helicobacter pylori y su asociación con las lesiones precursoras de malignidad gástrica y parámetros histológicos en pacientes con síntomas de dispepsia del suroccidente de Colombia. Se realizó reacción en cadena de polimerasa (PCR) para la caracterización genética de vacA, cagA, babA2 y sabA. Se empleó la prueba de chi cuadrado o Fischer para evaluar la asociación de cada genotipo sobre el desenlace clínico. En los pacientes con lesiones precursoras de malignidad gástrica se encontró que el 86,3% presentaron el genotipo vacA s1/m1, el 68,1% cagA+ y los genotipos babA2+ y sabA+ con el 68,8% y 55,8%, respectivamente. También, se demostró la asociación entre los genotipos de virulencia y el grado severo de infiltración de células polimorfonucleares. Además, se encontró una asociación entre la combinación de los genes vacA/cagA, vacA/sabA y babA2/sabA. Este estudio proporciona evidencia acerca de la asociación de los genotipos de virulencia del H. pylori y la inflamación gástrica en pacientes infectados.

The aim of this research was to determine the presence of Helicobacter pylori virulence genotypes and their association with precursor lesions of gastric malignancy and histological parameters in patients with dyspepsia symptoms in southwestern Colombia. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used for the genetic characterization of vacA, cagA, babA2 and sabA. The chi-square or Fischer test were used to evaluate the association between each genotype and the clinical outcome. We found that 86.3% of the patients with precursor lesions of gastric malignancy presented the vacA s1/m1 genotype, 68.1% had the cagA+ genotype and 68.8% and 55.8% had the babA2+ and sabA+ genotypes, respectively. Our results show association between virulence genotypes and severe degree of polymorphonuclear cell infiltration. In addition, we found an association between the combination of vacA/cagA, vacA/sabA and babA2/sabA genes. This study provides evidence about the association of H. pylori virulence genotypes and gastric inflammation in infected patients.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Chi-Square Distribution , Adhesins, Bacterial , Gastritis , Virulence Factors , Inflammation
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2022. 143 p. tab, graf.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1416818


Leptospira spp. constitui um grupo de bactérias espiroquetas gram-negativas englobando espécies saprofíticas, intermediárias e patogênicas, sendo as últimas agentes causadores da leptospirose, doença zoonótica de alcance mundial e endêmica em regiões tropicais em desenvolvimento. O crescente número de espécies identificadas de leptospiras destaca ainda mais sua diversidade genética e mecanismos de virulência únicos, muitos deles com função ainda desconhecida. Esforços para o desenvolvimento de novas vacinas com proteção cruzada e efeito duradouro revelaram possíveis candidatos vacinais que necessitam ser adequadamente validados, sendo assim, há ainda uma urgente necessidade de uma vacina universal contra a leptospirose capaz de controlar e reduzir os surtos cada vez mais frequentes da doença. Adesinas são importantes fatores de virulência em diversos patógenos, constituindo antígenos promissores para o desenvolvimento de vacinas contra a leptospirose, assim como para o desenvolvimento de métodos diagnósticos mais rápidos e precisos. Previamente, foram identificadas três proteínas hipotéticas conservadas em L. interrogans pela técnica de phage display, denominadas arbitrariamente como LepA069, LepA962 e LepA388. A expressão do gene codificador da proteína LepA069 apresentou aumento de aproximadamente 70 % em animais infectados por leptospiras virulentas, representando a primeira evidência funcional desta proteína ainda desconhecida. Porções recombinantes da lipoproteína hipotética LepA962 (LepA962_Nt e LepA962_Phg) foram obtidos, sendo demonstrada a forte interação da proteína LepA962_Phg, contendo a sequência identificada por phage display, com laminina, fibronectina plasmática, colágeno I e fibrinogênio de maneira dose-dependente. Adicionalmente, LepA962_Phg apresentou ligação às células VERO e à sua matriz extracelular secretada, e o soro obtido a partir desta proteína recombinante foi capaz de se ligar à superfície de leptospiras virulentas, indicando que LepA962_Phg pode representar um importante domínio de interação entre as leptospiras e seu hospedeiro. Finalmente, a proteína LepA388 pertencente a uma extensa família de proteínas modificadoras de virulência com função desconhecida (DUF_61), presente apenas nas leptospiras patogênicas mais virulentas, apresentou aumento na expressão de seu gene codificador em animais infectados por leptospiras virulentas de acordo com dados na literatura. Além disso, porções recombinantes da região Nterminal desta proteína apresentaram ligação a laminina, colágenos I e IV, vitronectina e fibronectinas plasmática e celular, principalmente considerando a sequência identificada por phage display. Estes dados reforçam as predições de modelos tridimensionais da proteína LepA388 e de outros membros da família DUF_61, as quais identificam domínios semelhantes a toxinas (como abrina e CARDS) responsáveis pela ligação e internalização celulares nos hospedeiros. Dados recentes sugerem um possível papel citotóxico desempenhado pelas proteínas desta família em leptospiras, as quais podem também ser consideradas potenciais candidatas vacinais e para diagnóstico da leptospirose, devido à sua distribuição restrita em espécies e cepas patogênicas de importância para saúde humana.

Leptospira spp. constitutes a group of gram-negative spirochete bacteria comprising saprophytic, intermediate and pathogenic species, the last being causative agents of leptospirosis, a zoonotic disease of worldwide extent and endemic in developing tropical regions. The growing number of identified leptospiral species further highlights their genetic diversity and unique virulence mechanisms, many of them with unknown function. Efforts to develop new vaccines with cross-protection and long-lasting effect have revealed possible vaccine candidates that need to be properly validated. Therefore, there is still an urgent need for a universal vaccine against leptospirosis capable of controlling and reducing the increasing outbreaks of the disease. Adhesins are important virulence factors in several pathogens, constituting promising antigens for the development of vaccines against leptospirosis, as well as for the development of faster and more accurate diagnostic methods. Previously, three conserved hypothetical proteins in L. interrogans were identified by phage display technique, arbitrarily named as LepA069, LepA962 and LepA388. Expression of the LepA069 encoding gene showed an increase of approximately 70 % in animals infected by virulent leptospires, representing the first functional evidence of this still unknown protein. Recombinant portions of the hypothetical lipoprotein LepA962 (LepA962_Nt and LepA962_Phg) were obtained, demonstrating the strong interaction of the LepA962_Phg protein, containing the sequence identified by phage display, with laminin, plasma fibronectin, collagen I and fibrinogen in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, LepA962_Phg showed binding to VERO cells and its secreted extracellular matrix, and the serum obtained from this recombinant protein was able to bind to the surface of virulent leptospires, indicating that LepA962_Phg may represent an important domain of interaction between leptospires and its host. Finally, LepA388 protein belonging to an extensive family of virulence modifying proteins with unknown function (DUF_61), present only in the most virulent pathogenic leptospires, showed an increase in the expression of its encoding gene in animals infected by virulent leptospires according to data in literature. Moreover, recombinant portions of the N-terminal region of this protein showed binding to laminin, collagens I and IV, vitronectin and plasma and cell fibronectins, especially considering the sequence identified by phage display. These data support the predictions of three-dimensional models of the LepA388 protein and other members of the DUF_61 family, which identify toxin-like domains (such as abrin and CARDS) responsible for cellular binding and internalization in hosts. Recent data suggest a possible cytotoxic role played by proteins of this family in leptospires, which can also be considered potential vaccine candidates and antigens for diagnosis, due to their restricted distribution in pathogenic species and strains of importance to human health

Adhesins, Bacterial/classification , Virulence Factors/adverse effects , Vaccine Development/instrumentation , Leptospira interrogans/metabolism , Virulence , Vaccines/analysis , Dosage , Cell Surface Display Techniques , Leptospirosis/pathology
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2018. 135 p. tab, graf, ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1361862


Gram-negativas e é utilizado por diversos patógenos para colonizar seus hospedeiros, sendo o primeiro passo do processo de desenvolvimento do biolfilme. Uma variedade de apêndices celulares e proteínas está envolvida na adesão bacteriana, tais como pili, fimbrias, adesinas fimbriais e afimbriais. O fitopatógeno Xylella fastidiosa, agente causal de importantes doenças como a doença de Pierce de videiras, a clorose variegada dos citros e a síndrome do rápido declínio de oliveiras, possui em sua superfície várias dessas estruturas que são potencialmente responsáveis pela colonização eficiente de insetos-vetores e plantas hospedeiras. Entre as adesinas afimbriais codificadas no genoma dessa bactéria, três XadA (XadA1, Hsf/XadA2 e XadA3) são classificadas como autotransportadores triméricos. Dados da literatura sugerem que XadA1 e XadA2 são importantes para a formação do biofilme, porém a função de XadA3 ainda não havia sido investigada. Nesse trabalho, tivemos como objetivo caracterizar bioquímica e funcionalmente a proteína XadA3 e obter informações adicionais sobre o papel desempenhado por XadA1 e XadA2 na adesão e virulência de X. fastidiosa. Utilizando imunodetecção com um anticorpo policlonal anti-XadA3 por nós obtido, demonstramos que essa proteína localiza-se na superfície bacteriana e medeia a adesão intercelular. A caracterização dos fenótipos de mutantes de deleção de cada um dos genes das adesinas XadA revelou que o mutante ΔxadA3 tem reduzida capacidade de agregação celular e formação de biofilme quando comparado tanto aos mutantes ΔxadA1 e ΔxadA2 como à cepa selvagem Temecula. A deleção dos genes xadA afeta marginalmente o perfil de expressão gênica global avaliado através de RNAseq das cepas mutantes comparativamente à cepa selvagem, porém destaca-se, nas cepas mutantes, o aumento nos níveis dos transcritos de lipases/esterases. Já foi descrito que essas enzimas parecem atuar na degradação do tecido vegetal associada aos sintomas da doença de Pierce de videiras. A deleção de xadA3 resulta em um fenótipo de hipervirulência em videiras, mas também de deficiência de transmissão pelo inseto-vetor. O conjunto dos resultados obtidos nesse trabalho evidenciam o importante papel desempenhado pelas adesinas XadAs, particularmente XadA3, na adesão intercelular, no desenvolvimento do biofilme e na virulência de X. fastidiosa

Adhesion is a widely conserved mechanism of virulence among Gram-negative bacteria that is used by several pathogens to colonize their hosts, being the first step in biolfilm development. A variety of appendages and proteins are involved in bacterial adhesion, such as pili, fimbriae, fimbrial and afimbrials adhesins. The phytopathogen Xylella fastidiosa, causal agent of important diseases such as Pierce's disease of grapevines, citrus variegated chlorosis and olive quick decline syndrome, harbours on its surface several of these structures that are potentially responsible for efficient colonization of insect vectors and plant hosts. Among the afimbrial adhesins encoded in the genome of this bacterium, three XadAs (XadA1, Hsf/XadA2 and XadA3) are classified as trimeric autotransporters. Data from the literature suggest that XadA1 and XadA2 are important for biofilm formation, but XadA3 function has not been yet investigated. In this work, we aimed to biochemically and functionally characterize the XadA3 protein and gather additional information about the role played by XadA1 and XadA2 in X. fastidiosa adhesion and virulence. Using immunodetection with a polyclonal anti-XadA3 antibody, we have demonstrated that this protein localizes to the bacterial surface and mediates intercellular adhesion. Phenotypic characterization of the deletion mutants of XadA adhesins encoded genes revealed that the ΔxadA3 mutant has reduced cell aggregation capacity and biofilm formation when compared to both ΔxadA1 and ΔxadA2 mutants as well as to Temecula wild type strain. Deletion of the xadA genes marginally affects the global gene expression profile assessed by RNA-seq of the mutant strains compared to the wild-type strain, eventhough an increase in lipase/esterase transcripts levels was observed in the mutant strains. It has been reported that these enzymes appear to participate in the degradation of plant tissue that is associated with symptoms of Pierce's disease of grapevines. The deletion of xadA3 results in a phenotype of hypervirulence in grapevines but also of deficiency in insect-vector transmission. The results obtained in this work evidenced the important role played by XadAs adhesins, particularly XadA3, in X. fastidiosa intercellular adhesion, biofilm development and virulence

Plants/metabolism , Bacteria/classification , Biofilms/classification , Xylella/metabolism , Type V Secretion Systems , Gram-Negative Bacteria , Role , Biochemistry , Disease/classification , Adhesins, Bacterial , Enzymes , RNA-Seq/instrumentation , Insect Vectors/chemistry , Antibodies/pharmacology
Indian J Med Microbiol ; 2016 Oct-Dec; 34(4): 448-456
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-181093


Introduction: Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) rely on the correlation of virulence expression with antimicrobial resistance to persist and cause severe urinary tract infections (UTIs). Objectives: We assessed the virulence pattern and prevalence among UPEC strains susceptible and resistant to multiple antimicrobial classes. Methods: A total of 174 non‑duplicate UPEC strains from patients with clinically significant UTIs were analysed for susceptibility to aminoglycoside, antifolate, cephalosporin, nitrofuran and quinolone antibiotics for the production of extended‑spectrum β‑lactamases and for the presence of six virulence determinants encoding adhesins (afimbrial, Type 1 fimbriae, P and S‑fimbriae) and toxins (cytotoxic necrotising factor and haemolysin). Results: Relatively high resistance rates to nalidixic acid, ciprofloxacin, cephalothin and trimethoprim‑sulfamethoxazole (82%, 78%, 62% and 59%, respectively) were observed. Fourteen distinct patterns were identified for the virulence determinants such as afaBC, cnfI, fimH, hylA, papEF and sfaDE. The toxin gene, cnfI (75.3%), was the second most prevalent marker to the adhesin, fimH (97.1%). The significant association of sfaDE/hylA (P < 0.01) among antimicrobial resistant and susceptible strains was also observed notwithstanding an overall greater occurrence of virulence factors among the latter. Conclusions: This study provides a snapshot of UPEC complexity in Jamaica and highlights the significant clonal heterogeneity among strains. Such outcomes emphasise the need for evidence‑based strategies in the effective management and control of UTIs.

Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 110(4): 476-484, 09/06/2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-748870


The fungal strain Paracoccidioides brasiliensis remains viable inside of epithelial cells and can induce apoptosis in this population. However, until now, the molecules that participate in this process remained unknown. Thus, this study evaluated the contribution of two P. brasiliensis molecules, the 14-3-3 and glycoprotein of 43 kDa proteins, which had been previously described as extracellular matrix adhesins and apoptosis inductors in human pneumocytes. Accordingly, epithelial cells were treated with these molecules for different periods of time and the expression of the apoptosis regulating-proteins Bak, Bax, Bcl-2, p53 and caspases were evaluated by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labelling, flow cytometry and real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis. Our results demonstrated that treatment with these molecules induces apoptosis signalling in pulmonary epithelial cells, showing the same pattern of programmed cell-death as that observed during infection with P. brasiliensis. Thus, we could conclude that P. brasiliensis uses these molecules as virulence factors that participate not only in the fungal adhesion process to host cells, but also in other important cellular mechanisms such as apoptosis.

Humans , Apoptosis , Antigens, Fungal/physiology , /physiology , Epithelial Cells/microbiology , Fungal Proteins/physiology , Glycoproteins/physiology , Paracoccidioides/physiology , Cell Line/microbiology , Flow Cytometry , In Situ Nick-End Labeling , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 66(4): 1287-1290, 08/2014. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1096014


Determinadas linhagens de Escherichia coli comportam-se como patógenos em gatos, causando doenças gastrointestinais e extraintestinais. Neste estudo, foram utilizadas 205 cepas de E. coli isoladas de amostras de fezes provenientes de 19 gatos diarreicos e de 21 gatos não diarreicos, e três amostras de urina provenientes de gatos com infecção do trato urinário (ITU). Essas cepas foram testadas pela técnica de reação em cadeia da polimerase com múltiplos iniciadores para a detecção da presença de genes codificadores de adesinas (pap, sfa e afa), assim como para a detecção dos genes produtores da toxina Shiga-like (stx1 e stx2) e do gene da intimina (eae). Oitenta e dois isolados possuíam genes codificadores de adesinas, dos quais 11 apresentaram o gene pap, 41 apresentaram o gene sfa e 27 apresentaram uma combinação dos genes pap + sfa. Nenhuma das cepas examinadas apresentou os genes stx1, stx2 ou afa. Três isolados provenientes de um gato diarreico apresentaram uma combinação dos genes sfa + eae. Animais de companhia (pets) são reservatórios naturais para diversos organismos, especialmente linhagens ExPEC, as quais são potencialmente capazes de infectar seres humanos, o que representa um motivo de grande preocupação.(AU)

Animals , Cats , Adhesins, Escherichia coli , Virulence Factors/genetics , Shiga-Toxigenic Escherichia coli/isolation & purification , Extraintestinal Pathogenic Escherichia coli/isolation & purification , Urine/microbiology , Feces/microbiology
São Paulo; s.n; 2013. 141 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, SES-SP, SESSP-IBPROD, SES-SP, SESSP-IBACERVO | ID: biblio-1080930


A leptospirose é uma zoonose causada por bactérias patogênicas do gênero Leptospira. No mundo, aproximadamente 500.000 casos são reportados a cada ano, com 10% de taxa de mortalidade. Atualmente, vacinas contra leptospirose são compostas por células inativadas e são ineficazes em diferentes aspectos. Após analise do genoma, os genes LIC11121, LIC11087, LIC11228 e LIC11084 foram escolhidos para caracterização da imunogenicidade de suas respectivas proteínas. Esses genes foram clonados no vetor de expressão pAE e as proteínas recombinantes foram purificadas. Os resultados sugerem que essas proteínas podem estar localizadas na membrana externa, são imunogênicas, possivelmente expressas durante a infecção e que podem ter envolvimento em mecanismos de evasão do sistema imune e de patogenicidade da bactéria. Além disso, em um de dois experimentos, a proteína rLIC11084 induziu imunidade protetora parcial em hamsters imunizados frente desafio letal.

Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease caused by pathogenic bacteria of genus Leptospira. In the world, nearly 500,000 cases are reported each year, with 10% of mortality rate. Currently, vaccines against leptospirosis are composed by inactivated cells that are ineffective in many aspects. After genome analysis, the genes LIC11121, LIC11087, LIC11228 e LIC11084 were chosen for immunogenicity characterization of their respective proteins. These genes were cloned in the pAE expression vector and the proteins encoded by LIC11087, LIC11228 and LIC11084 were purified. The results suggest the localization of these proteins in the bacterial outer membrane, are immunogenic, are possibly expressed during infection and may have involvement in mechanisms of immune system evasion and pathogenicity. Moreover, in one of two experiments, the rLIC11084 protein induced partial protective immunity of immunized hamsters against lethal challenge.

Humans , Leptospira interrogans , Leptospirosis/immunology , Recombinant Proteins , Escherichia coli Proteins/immunology
Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2011. 122 p. ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-619455


A esporotricose é uma doença micótica, infecciosa e crônica, que envolve o tecido cutâneo e subcutâneo, e que pode afetar seres humanos e animais. Esta micose sempre foi atribuída a um único patógeno, o Sporothrix schenckii, um fundo termodimórfico, que cresce como levedura a 37 oC e como micélio à temperatura ambiente. No entanto, nos últimos anos, foi demonstrado que isolados identificados como S. schenckii apresentavam grande variabilidade genética, sugerindo que esta táxon consiste em um complexo de espécies. Esta doença é causada pela implantação traumática do patógeno fúngico, porém os mecanismos de invasão e disseminação deste microorganismo, bem como as moléculas envolvidas nestes processos, ainda são pouco conhecidos. Com base nessas informações, este trabalho visa identificar moléculas de superfície deste patógeno envolvidas na interação deste fungo com proteínas matriciais, bem como analisar diferenças fenotípicas entre espécies do denominado complexo Sporothrix. Foram utilizados, neste estudo, cinco isolados de Sporothrix spp., sendo três isolados clínicos, um isolado ambiental e um isolado de gato. A virulência de cada isolado foi comparada à capacidade adesiva à proteína matricial fibronectina. Foi observado que os isolados com amior capacidade infectiva eram os que apresentavam maior capacidade adesiva à fibronectina. Verificamos então a expressão de adesinas para fibronectina na superfície de cada isolado, por Western blot, e observamos que os isolados mais virulentos e com maior capacidade adesiva expressavam mais adesinas para fibronectina. Bandas reativas com o anticorpo monoclonal contra adesina gp70 (mAb P6E7) foram reveladas nos extratos de parede celular dos isolados estudados. Análises por microscopia confocal revelaram a colocalização da gp70 com a adesina para fibronectina na superfície dos isolados. Análises filogenéticas demonstraram que os isolados estudados possuíam diferenças genotípicas capazes de agrupá-los em duas espécies...

Sporotrichosis is a chronic and infectious diseases that involves the cutaneous and subcutaneous tissue, which can affect humans and animals. This mycosis has always been attributed to a single pathogen, the Sporothrix schenckii, a dimorphic fungus, that grows as yeast at 37 oC and as mycelia at room temperature. However, in recent years, some isolates identifies as S. schenckii showed considerable genetic variability, sugesting that this taxon consists of a complex of species. This disease is caused by the traumatic inoculation of the fungal pathogen, however, the molecules involved in the invasion and dissemination of this microorganism are still poorly understood. The aim of this study is to identify surface molecules involved in the interaction of this fungus with extracellular matrix proteins and to examine phenotypic differences between species in the Sporothrix complex. Five isolates were used throughout this study, three clinical isolates, an environmental and one cat isolate. The virulence of each isolate was compared to the adhesive capacity to fibronectin. We observed that the most virulent isolates exhibited the higher capacity to interact with fibronectin. The expression of adhesins for fibronectin on the surface of each isolate was verified by Western blot. This analysis showed that the most virulent isolates expressed more fibronectin adhesins than the avirulent ones. Positive bands for the monoclonal antibody raised against gp70 adhesin (mAb P6E7) were revealed in cell wall extracts of the isolates studied. Confocal microscopy confirmed the colocalization of fibronectin and mAb P6E7 on the yeast cell surface. Molecular analysis showed genotypic differences between isolates used in this study, that can cluster than them into two species, S. schenckii and S. brasiliensis. This phylogenetic analysis revealed that the avirulent isolate was S. brasiliensis and not S. schenckii as previously thought. This new data led us o determine whether...

Animals , Cell Adhesion Molecules , Sporotrichosis/microbiology , Sporotrichosis/virology , Fibronectins/analysis , Fibronectins/metabolism , Molecular Epidemiology , Sporothrix/classification , Sporothrix/genetics , Sporothrix/isolation & purification , Sporothrix/pathogenicity , Genotype , Mycological Typing Techniques , Phenotype , Species Specificity
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 43(7): 611-618, July 2010. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-550737


Helicobacter pylori adhesion to gastric epithelial cells constitutes a key step in the establishment of a successful infection of the gastric mucosa. The high representation of outer membrane proteins in the bacterial genome suggests the relevance of those proteins in the establishment of profitable interactions with the host gastric cells. Gastric epithelial cells are protected by a mucous layer gel, mainly consisting of the MUC5AC and MUC6 mucins. In addition to this protective role, mucins harbor glycan-rich domains that constitute preferential binding sites of many pathogens. In this article we review the main players in the process of H. pylori adhesion to gastric epithelial cells, which contribute decisively to the high prevalence and chronicity of H. pylori infection. The BabA adhesin recognizes both H-type 1 and Lewis b blood-group antigens expressed on normal gastric mucosa of secretor individuals, contributing to the initial steps of infection. Upon colonization, persistent infection induces an inflammatory response with concomitant expression of sialylated antigens. The SabA adhesin mediates H. pylori binding to inflamed gastric mucosa by recognizing sialyl-Lewis a and sialyl-Lewis x antigens. The expression of the BabA and SabA adhesins is tightly regulated, permitting the bacteria to rapidly adapt to the changes of glycosylation of the host gastric mucosa that occur during infection, as well as to escape from the inflammatory response. The growing knowledge of the interactions between the bacterial adhesins and the host receptors will contribute to the design of alternative strategies for eradication of the infection.

Animals , Humans , Antigens, Bacterial/metabolism , Bacterial Adhesion/physiology , Epithelial Cells/microbiology , Gastric Mucosa/microbiology , Helicobacter Infections/microbiology , Helicobacter pylori/physiology , Adhesins, Bacterial/metabolism , /metabolism , Helicobacter pylori/metabolism , Lewis Blood Group Antigens/metabolism